Fall Goodies...

Music NB Festival 506 has come and gone and we have very full hearts! What an inspiring weekend full of many of our province’s greatest talents! We accepted awards for Folk Artist of the Year, SOCAN Song of the Year, and Group Recording of the Year! We are so grateful for the recognition and support.

We are getting ready to hunker down in our studio this December and start the recording process for our second album that will be out this spring. We are happy to announce that New Brunswick’s own fiddle and mandolin master, Ray Legere, will be joining us again, along with Remi Arsenault and Dillon Robichaud from Moncton’s, The Backyard Devils! Check out their music here: http://www.thebackyarddevils.com  On another note…have you ever wanted us to perform in your living room? Do you host house concerts? We would LOVE to come and give your guests an intimate performance of our music, share the stories behind the songs, and maybe even give a little washboard or songwriting workshop if folks are interested! To get in touch about booking, give Chuck Teed a shout at tomatotomatosj@gmail.comLastly - HUGE NEWS! *ahem, throat clearing* we hope you’ll tune in to CBC’s East Coast Music Hour on October 31st and November 7th as we will be hosting while David Myles is on tour! We are more than excited about this opportunity! We will be spinning amazing tunes for you all and getting our best radio voices on. Be sure to listen! Hope you are all enjoying the vibrancy of fall!  Much love, John & Lisa Tomato/Tomato